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Jamaica Bay is the first book for young people from an exciting new author.

Jamaica Bay"Heavy footsteps sounded on the old floor boards as Uncle Tom came into the light for the first time. As one, Jim and his parents took a huge intake of breath as the full size of the man came into view."

Jamaica Bay is a story that will appeal to children of all ages, from 8 to 80. It is about the amazing adventures of a young boy, Jim, involving international criminals, hidden treasure and making new friends in the most unlikely places.

"You won't be able to put this book down"

Have you read Jamaica Bay?

Jamaica Bay was released on 02 June 2006. You can receive this great new book by buying your copy on-line now. The first 1,000 copies will be personally dedicated by the author. To buy your copy click on the button below. If you have pre-ordered a copy you can use this form to enter your chosen dedication and pay for your copy using paypal.

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